September 27th, 2017 ×
The Command Line for Web Developers

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
This episode is all about how to become comfortable and proficient with the command line. This one includes windows users too!
Need to learn Docker? Check out Nick Janetakis' Dive into Docker course which is currently on sale!
Show Notes
- React 16
- Command Line Power User Course
- iTerm2
- Hyper
- Awesome Hyper
- Cmder for Windows
- Windows Subsystem Linux
- Windows 10 Insiders Program
- Oh My ZSH - You'll want to start here, not on
- Fish Shell
- Oh My Fish
- Fisherman
- Bass
- ZSH Autosuggestion
- ZSH Syntax Highlighting
- z Frecent (GET THIS)
- Tree
- Wes Custom Tree
- Brew
- Brew Cask
- Trash CLI
- YouTube-DL
- Wes' Video on youtube-dl
- pbcopy
- ZSH Extract
re-runs the last command (careful!)cd -
back to last folder - this works with lots of commands likegit checkout -
⌘ + K
to clear.⌘ + R
to clear but maintain scrollback- Cobalt2 for ZSH + iTerm2
- Cobalt2 for Hyper
- Patched Powerline Fonts
- Slavic Cat
- Wild Cherry
Sick Picks
- Scott: Source Making
- Wes: My Fitness Pal
Tweet us your tips!
- Wes Bos
- Scott Tolinski
- Make sure to include @SyntaxFM
Shameless Plugs
- Level Up Tuts - check out scott's new shopping cart!
- Wes just updated his ES6 course!
- Stickers are coming!