Spooky Coding Horror Stories 2023 - Part 2
Web development horror stories about bugs, mistakes, and disasters

Web development horror stories about bugs, mistakes, and disasters
Developers share horror stories of catastrophic mistakes like deleting databases, breaking site functionality, exposing data, and more.
Supper Club
Brad Frost discusses design systems, component libraries, design tokens, developer experience, and using web components to build scalable front-end architecture.
Wes and Scott discuss new advancements in AI tools and services for developers, including vzero.dev from Vercel to generate React UI, Anthropic's Claude chatbot, and new AI services from Cloudflare Workers.
In this episode Scott and Wes discuss various libraries and tools that have been replaced by standardized browser APIs and JavaScript features over the years, like jQuery, Express, Underscore, 960 Grid System, Sass, Socket.IO, Left Pad, etc.
Supper Club
Chris Lattner, creator of Swift and senior director at Google TensorFlow, discusses Mojo - a new Python-inspired language for AI and ML. He covers the history of GPUs, how machine learning models work, the fragmented AI dev landscape, and goals when designing a new programming language.
Discussion of the 2023 State of CSS survey results covering frameworks, tools, features, pain points and more.
Tips for optimizing your home office space for productivity and comfort as a developer working from home.
Supper Club
David East discusses Google's new online IDE Project IDX, which allows coding directly in the browser with AI assistance. He talks about the motivation, benefits, and technology behind IDX.
In this potluck episode, Scott and Wes answer audience questions on web development topics like Bun JS, REST vs GraphQL APIs, learning Rust, documenting code, WordPress APIs, becoming a podcast guest, and using home gym equipment.
Discussion on proper semantic usage of h1 through h6 headings for accessibility, SEO, and screen reader navigation.
Supper Club
Taylor Desseyn discusses strategies for engineers to stand out in the hiring process, including the importance of social proofing through content creation. He also provides insights into current trends like the developer hiring recession and shift towards back end engineers.
Wes and Scott discuss the State of CSS developer survey results, covering usage of new CSS features like subgrid, aspect ratio, relative colors, variable fonts, accessibility preferences, and more.
Discussion comparing Tori and Electron for building desktop apps using web technologies. Covers differences in bundle sizes, developer experience, maturity and more.
Supper Club
Dr. Courtney Tolinski discusses anxiety disorders, symptoms, causes and healthy ways to manage anxiety. She answers questions on recognizing triggers, career anxiety in web development, and making big life decisions.
Wes and Scott discuss their experiences building apps with Svelte and SvelteKit. They cover templating, data fetching, state management, actions, layouts, styling and more.
Scott proxies requests from his Tonal workout device to reverse engineer the API and build custom community workouts since Tonal has limited functionality.
Supper Club
Stuart discusses his journey from working in a family business to becoming a self-taught web developer, including how he prepared for interviews, built projects, and made time for learning while having a family.
Scott and Wes discuss the projects they built during a hack week at Sentry, including a real-time markdown editor and an automated recording button.
Wes and Scott discuss the new CSS nesting syntax that is now supported across all major browsers. They cover how it works, best practices, use cases compared to Sass, browser support via transpiling, and more.