April 24th, 2019 ×
What's New in Web Development

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes talk about what's new in web development: new promise static methods, new CSS functions, PWAs and more!
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Clubhouse - Sponsor
Clubhouse is the first project management software that brings everyone together so that teams can focus on what matters: creating products that customers love. Clubhouse provides a perfect balance of simplicity and structure for better cross-functional collaboration. Check out https://clubhouse.io/syntaxpodcast and get your first two months free.
Show Notes
5:38 - New Promise static methods
10:16 - Lazy loading images
14:25 CSS Houdini aka JS in CSS
20:32 - Subgrid
- Syntax 109: Hasty Treat - CSS Grid Level 2 aka Subgrid
- Subgrid is coming to Firefox - Jen Simmons
- Bugzilla
24:31 - Native modules in browser
- dynamic
27:08 - Node Native Modules update
- package.json will now have a type entry where
- NodeJS - Plan For New Modules Implementation
- New ESM Implementation
29:17 - PWA install app and Google PlayStore
- Already shipped in Chrome
- Java API that communicates through services with Chrome
- Trusted Web Activity aka TWA
- All content in TWAs must comply with Play store policy including policies for payments in-app purchases and other digital goods
- Already existing TWAs include Twitter Lite, Google Maps Go, Instagram Lite
- Passing the PWA Criteria
- Performance Score with a minimum of 80/100, tested with Lighthouse
- All current Google Play Store rules
35:49 - CSS Scroll Snap
- In many browsers already
38:17 - Aspect Ratio Unit
39:32 - CSS nesting
- Disallows cross-domain cookies unless on the same domain/subdomain
- Gatsby
- Promise.allSettled()
- Promise.any()
- Apollo
- CodePen
- UC Browser
- Parcel
- Node.js
- Myles Borins' Twitter
- Twitter Lite
- Google Maps Go
- Instagram Lite
- Lighthouse
- Opera
- Can I Use - modules
- Apple’s ITP
- Scott: Finding Drago
- Wes: The Punk Rock MBA
Shameless Plugs
Tweet us your tasty treats!
- Scott's Instagram
- LevelUpTutorials Instagram
- Wes' Instagram
- Wes' Twitter
- Wes' Facebook
- Scott's Twitter
- Make sure to include @SyntaxFM in your tweets