September 28th, 2020 × #immutability#javascript#records#tuples
Hasty Treat - Records and Tuples in JavaScript
This episode covers immutable records and tuples in JavaScript - new proposed syntax for creating objects and arrays that are deeply immutable and support deep equality checks.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about records and tuples in javascript — what they are, why you might want to use them, and more!
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Show Notes
02:42 - Immutability
05:08 - Records
- Immutable object
- Syntax
#{x: 1, y: 2}
05:56 - Tuples
- Immutable array
- Syntax
07:18 - For both
Referred to as a compound primitive
Can contain only primitives, not objects
They are compared deeply by their contents rather than their identity
assert(#{ a: 1 } === #{ a: 1 }); assert(#[1, 2] === #[1, 2]); assert(#{ a: 1, b: 2 } === #{ b: 2, a: 1 });
Potential for optimizations
- Optimizations for making deep equality checks fast
- Optimizations for manipulating data structures
Works well with type systems
Better integration with the debugger
Accessed through normal record.scott object like syntax
13:39 - Stage 2
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