May 5th, 2021 × #Web Development#Podcasting#Freelancing
Potluck — Is it worth it to still learn WordPress? × Is Safari the new IE11? × Mobile website testing × Pirated content × Styled components × SSGs × Transitioning to full-time freelance × More!
Wes and Scott answer audience questions about web development topics like WordPress, browser testing, course building, and more.

Wes Bos Host

Scott Tolinski Host
- Welcome to another Potluck episode
- Scott's week thrown into chaos due to COVID exposure at kids' school
- Wes heading to cottage for spring break
- For personal blog, markdown + static site generator is good option
- Fine to share course tips publicly, just don't re-record full course
- No need to support IE11 anymore
- Safari often new lowest common denominator
- Nest.js seems tightly integrated with Angular community
- Still worth learning WordPress for freelancing
- Test mobile sites on real devices, not just Chrome emulator
- Piracy frustrating but focus energy on your real supporters
- Styled Components generates random class names
You're listening to Syntax, the podcast with the tastiest web development treats out there. Strap yourself in and get ready.
Zielinski and Wes Boss.
Welcome to another Potluck episode
Wes Bos
Welcome to Syntax, the podcast with the tastiest web development treats rid Out there, we've got another potluck for you today. This is where we answer your questions about JavaScript, social media, Freelancing, CSS, all kinds of performance. Lots of really, really good questions. You folks have just been sending in really great questions, so Thank you for that. Today, we are sponsored by 3 awesome companies, Sanity, Structured Content, CMS, Sentry, error exception and performance Tracking and Cloudinary online image hosting transformation, amazing service in general. Talk about all of them partway through the episode. How you doing today, Scott? Oh, hey. You know, my whole week is thrown into chaos. Our,
Scott's week thrown into chaos due to COVID exposure at kids' school
Scott Tolinski
unexpected positive test at our our children's school. So now the kids are home this week, and, it has thrown our lives into a complete, tailspin here. We were we were, like, Really feeling the flow, and now it's like, oh, boy. Now we gotta, like, put everything on hold for a little bit, but we're all hanging on. That's how it is. And, other than that, doing good doing good. How about you? Pretty good. Pretty good. We are about to head up to our cottage next week for a week because our our kids had, like,
Wes heading to cottage for spring break
Wes Bos
rid We have March break in Canada and or at least Ontario, and we didn't get March break because things are crazy. And, usually, everybody goes to Florida for March break, So they delayed it, and now we have spring break, which sounds super fun. We're gonna go up to the cottage for a week and a work from the full stack shack, and I'm pretty excited about that. Yeah. S b 12
Scott Tolinski
or is it no. S b 21. What's that? Spring break 21, 2021?
Wes Bos
Oh, s p. Oh. S b.
Scott Tolinski
S b. In high school, there would be, like, you know, kids who would go, like, to, You know, Texas or or some of those places in in California that would just be, like, you know, totally wild, and, they would always, you know, re s b o four. So, like, when we went on our our crappy little vacation, we were just chanting s b o four the whole time as if we were, like, doing something cool. Yeah. Oh, that's great.
Scott Tolinski
Alright. You, wanna kick it off with the first question there? Oh, I'll kick it off. This first question is from Brian Murray. Rid Brian says, I'm adding a blog to my custom personal website, and I wanted to know if there is a best practice for storing blog posts.
For personal blog, markdown + static site generator is good option
Scott Tolinski
My hope is to write them in markdown, host them somewhere, and automatically feed them into my website so they are formatted all within the style of my site. Okay. So he wants to know if there's a best practice. Hey, Brian. The best part about this is it's your site. You can do it however the heck you wanna do it as long as it loads fast and looks nice and People can get to it and all those good things. So is there a best practice? No. There's not a best practice. It it sounds like if it's a blog, maybe a static site rid would be a good call for you.
Scott Tolinski
Static site generators or Next. Js or Gatsby, anything like that would probably work just fine for you. Or even the, SvelteKit.
Scott Tolinski
That's probably what I would choose, actually. You could just toss everything in MDX or, even better, you could use MD specs or MDX And get some, React components near in markdown too. That'd be pretty neat.
Scott Tolinski
Either way, I'd say go to a static site generator for this And how have the post just been marked down? I mean, that sounds, like, fine to me. That's actually what I do on my on my side and kind of what we do on on syntax.
Scott Tolinski
Scott Tolinski
Not really the same thing, but that's what I do on my side, and, it seems to work pretty fine. The best part is since you're a developer and you're the only one touching it, you don't have to worry about read. The, developer experience or the usage experience of writing markdown blog posts. But is there best practice? No. Probably not. If it's just you,
Wes Bos
rid Then, yeah, go for markdown. My personal website, I moved over from a WordPress blog to just plain old markdown, And I very much like it for the ability to just edit all my blog posts directly in in my editor. I was ready. Writing most of my blog posts in markdown inside of WordPress for years already, so moving them over wasn't a big deal. And, also, rid. HTML is also valid markdown, so that was not a big deal to move those over either. So, yeah, I would I would throw them in markdown.
Wes Bos
The beauty of that is that it is a Fairly standard format.
Wes Bos
If you do need to get into MDX instead, that's not as big of a standard, but it's still very, very popular. Like, if you throw a A React component inside of there. It's gonna be a little hard to move to something else in in 5 years. But like I said, it's important to keep it in some sort of standard format so that if you ever do wanna move it to something else, then then you totally can. And I think you're right, Scott. Like, the the re Syntax website is made in markdown. Yeah. I would like to move that over to MDX because just like, like, one perfect Example is that our sponsors are in every single markdown.
Wes Bos
And what I would like to do is rather than having to copy paste the re content into every single markdown file. It's just to, like, put a, like, a Sanity component, and they would just automatically build it in. And If Sanity wants to update the marketing copy or they got a new coupon code, they could update all the hundreds of episodes at in one go just by editing their own component. Rid Yeah. That seems like, to me,
Scott Tolinski
like, the the way the way to go going forward just because, again, you have That reusability,
Wes Bos
the dream of components as we head. That's true. Next question here from is from Zach Lofton.
Wes Bos
Rid. Do you care if people show cool tips, unique tricks from your courses publicly on social media? For example, I want to share What about hot tips? Hot tips. Unique tips, hot tips, any sort of tips. For example, I once shared a trick from Wes's courses on how to set your Versus Code windows to different color to distinguish between client side and server side code, giving all credit to Wes' courses for that concept.
Fine to share course tips publicly, just don't re-record full course
Wes Bos
I felt a little weird. I was sharing a portion of his pay's content for free. Is that okay? Where's the line? Totally fine. I really, really like when people do this.
Wes Bos
In fact, sometimes I see stuff that has been in one of my courses, and then it like, it goes rid through, like, a Twitter tip, and then somebody a couple months later, somebody else tweets that out, and it's funny to see it sort of ripple through. And then at a certain point, it just becomes Common knowledge. Right? Like, I'm not gonna run around policing. Like, I came up with that. This is my tip. Like, no. Obviously not. I just I'm just using the software, or I'm rid using JavaScript in in a certain way. So I I encourage it. People ask me this all the time, like, can I use the code in your courses? Can I put it on GitHub? Can I use it in a a a client project? You can do whatever you want with it. The people have even, like, live streamed on Twitch them doing a course.
Wes Bos
At first, I was like, not sure about that because they're kinda just, like, rebroadcasting my course. But I was like, you know what? Just gotta rid Let it go. And if it becomes a problem, then I can deal with it. But at the end of the day, it's just like it's kind of just remarketing for my stuff, and I also Really like that. Even if someone's not gonna sit down and buy my course and take the whole thing, they can still get a little bit of benefit out of it by learning a thing or two about rid What this person had learned in it. So absolutely go for it. The only thing I'd say don't do is, like, don't rerecord my course rid And then sell it, which people have surprisingly done before.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. Which they have done. Yeah. Yeah. Same here. And everything you said, Koneko, from my content as well, I I I fully agree with you on all of that stuff. I've always been, like, keen to to say, like, You know, sharing those kind of things is part of what this web was built on and, you know, being able to share that free share of knowledge that we have. And For those of you who don't know, I I got my start doing, like, totally free videos on YouTube for many, many years from, like, 2012 Just make sure you you say who it is and what it's what it's about and whatever, but just, again, don't rerecord and tell it. That's it. Alright. Next question is from re Jules. Jules says, with official support of IE coming to an end August 17, 2021, do you think developers should still rid Try to support IE 11 or focus only on new modern browsers.
No need to support IE11 anymore
Scott Tolinski
Also, will there be a new lowest common denominator that we should be aware of in rid Support. Okay. So first question here is, do you think developers should still try to support I e A big old giant capital no. No.
Scott Tolinski
If you you know, I I like to think about it like this. If everybody. I'm about progressive enhancement. Right? I I get that. One, it's it's IE 11. This browser, it's used by a ton of people still. So don't get me wrong here, but it's, re In the large scheme of thing, it's used by such a a very small population. If that population suddenly had most of the websites they start using not working, They would stop using IE 11. Is that a great thing to do? I don't know. Probably not. But, like, I stopped supporting IE 11 a long time ago because my my primary audience is developers. I don't know any developers running IE 11. So for me, it was an easy call to say drop support for it. I don't have paying customers who use IE 11. If I did, it would be a harder decision, especially if I'm in a larger company.
Scott Tolinski
But in reality, My optimistic brain says if everybody just stopped supporting it tomorrow, the people who are using it would have to move on to something else. And those lazy system administrators who require IE 11 because they don't wanna do their job or something, they would have to deal with it. Put the pressure on them. IE 11 is not A good browser to use in 2021, and I don't know. It gets me fired up thinking about the hoops people will go through to make other people use IE 11 or support it. So I don't agree with supporting it, and if Microsoft is going to be dropping support for it in their own applications, that should tell you you're it's pretty overdue for you to drop support for it. Rid Is there a new lowest common denominator? I don't know. Wes is gonna roll his eyes because I'm going to say Safari.
Scott Tolinski
The the reason why it's Safari for me is for a few reasons. One, It doesn't just update itself like Chrome and Firefox and Edge do, and and that can lead to people just straight up not updating their browser.
Scott Tolinski
So, it updates via the OS, which, you know, people are are lazy with OS updates. So you're inherently gonna have people that lag behind The, features that come, but not only that, Safari does not support things the same way that Chrome and Firefox do. Not that it's always the wrong way because sometimes it does it for your privacy. Sometimes it does it, because of APIs are not being Solidified yet. There's very valid reasons why Safari is lagging behind in some areas. But in my experience, if something does not work, It's almost always in Safari first.
Wes Bos
So lowest common denominator, I don't know. It's not the same situation as IE, but there are very real reasons why Safari is of a bummer to work in. Yeah. I'll talk on the Safari thing right away. It's like, I I don't like saying that because I hate being the, like, guy who rips on Safari and, rid Safari and Safari is a new IE. I used it for, like, 2 months just to give it, like, a a fair shake. You know? It's like, I hear you. Yeah. Yeah. And, Unfortunately, it it kinda is. Like Scott says, whenever there's an issue with either an API not being supported or something just not working the way it should be, It's always Safari, which is unfortunate.
Wes Bos
That is it doesn't move as fast. And some some of those, like Scott said, are valid, and some of them, I think, are just because they want you to use an app instead of
Scott Tolinski
rid Use the open web. Right? Yeah. Yeah. And that's actually really frustrating when just the the support in general for PWAs, and rid I don't know. I I I like Apple Apple fan, but there are, like, moments where I'm, like, so annoyed at them. I just tried to use Apple Pay in our web app, rid And they make it such a chore to get Apple Pay up. I mean, you have to have an account that is not associated with any Apple account. So, like, I had to create an email just to create a sandbox account to test Apple Pay, and then I had to generate certificates and all sorts of Wild stuff like, just give me an API key. Just make it an API key. Come on. Yeah. Yeah. Totally. So the question ready. About IE 11, should you be supporting it? I don't think that it's as big of a deal as when we dropped, like, IE 6 and IE 7 because at the time,
Wes Bos
There were applications that were 10 years old, and they were using, like, proprietary APIs that were only available In IE, and those entire apps needed to be rewritten and updated.
Safari often new lowest common denominator
Wes Bos
I don't think that there There's a whole lot of code out there anymore that will only run on IE 11, and it breaks in all other browsers. We we're very much past of that that place, thankfully, in terms of, like, standards and and whatnot so that we don't have to support these older APIs, which is great. So, like, I don't think it's as big of a deal.
Wes Bos
Should you support it? I mean, look at your users. Our if for some reason, you have a huge portion and it's gonna You're gonna take a, like, a 10% cut in the amount of revenue that you get because you're dropping IE 11 or if there's like a like rid Like, should a COVID vaccine scheduling thing support IE 11? Absolutely. Not a certain not a single person should be that's, like, a humanitarian issue there. Rid. But most of us aren't doing that type of stuff. Most of us are just building websites where we're seeing the amount of IE 11 traffic dwindle off. And, certain point, you gotta look at it and say, alright. These users are along with the rest of the web, the they will stop working. Like, I even wonder, like, I'm gonna install a VM and and start cruising around on I eleven and see how much of the stuff even so like, What is it? Go to level up
Scott Tolinski
and start crying. My I was at the bank getting a a checking account, and the bank teller pulled up my website 911, and I was just like, oh, please don't do that. Yeah.
Scott Tolinski
So I'm like she's like, oh, it looks looks weird.
Wes Bos
Like, yeah, dude. You're not supposed to do that. Ready. My back end like, this was probably 2 years ago. I I had already dropped I eleven, and I got an email from somebody who was A manager, they had bought a team license. They are trying to distribute the team licenses through my course dashboard.
Wes Bos
And they're like, it's not working. And I was like, oh, There's a use case. Like, I was like, developers don't use IE 11, but the managers who bought the courses do, and that's why I know and fixed because, Obviously, that was money in my pocket that would be, would be made because they're not frustrated with the UI. So, yeah, there there we go. I think I think, yes, you can drop it, Thankfully, but check your stats just to be triple sure that you're not in some, like, weird, I don't know, nuclear reactor, rid Some, like, weird area in life that everybody uses IE11.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. I I mean, I think you're dead on, let's say, like, if it's if it's something very important, Heck. If it's something very important, it should be using, like, almost lowest common denominator tech that can, you know, handle as many requests per second without, you know, without really being too hefty on the page or too much to download or anything like that. I mean, you should be going really, really performance heavy If you're doing that kind of thing too. But if you're working with IE 11 still not getting to use CSS variables, not getting to use rid CSS Grid or or Flexbox, that would make you go nuts. And luckily, one of our sponsors today is here to bring some sanity, and that is Sanity.
Wes Bos
Wes Bos
Sanity is the structured content CMS. That was a that was an awesome transition there, Scott. Let me You were transfixed. Yeah. I gotta put you in a Sanity is a structured content CMS. One thing I like that they say about about themselves is they say it's built to be built on. So this is a tool that will you sign up, and you can create your schemas. You can relay all your data types. You get this really sweet thing called Sanity Studio, which allows you to it's like a really wicked CMS UI out of the box, But then you can go ahead and extend the thing. You can customize it to your heart's content because you have full control over the code. It's like the perfect Balance between done for you and having full control over everything that you want. So if if you're working on a project And you need a CMS. You need an API whether it's you use the GraphQL API that they have. They also have this really sweet query language called Grok.
Wes Bos
And if you need, like, a, basically, a CMS back end for your project, you should check out Sanity at
Wes Bos
Rid. You can use our special URL, which is sanity.ioforward/ syntax.
Wes Bos
That's gonna get you double the free usage here, which is amazing because your little side project, it's gonna blow up, and you're gonna be happy that you signed up with the syntax link because you got double the free usage tier. Rid Thanks so much to Sanity for sponsoring. Cool. Alright. Next question is from Benedict.
Scott Tolinski
Thanks for the awesome podcast.
Nest.js seems tightly integrated with Angular community
Scott Tolinski
Rid Thank you.
Scott Tolinski
Have you looked into Nest. Js? Not to be confused with Next.
Scott Tolinski
Js or Nuxt or or any of these other n blank t ones for back end work. It's an open source TypeScript node framework that's becoming pretty popular. Okay, Benedicte.
Scott Tolinski
I did a quite a big tour of node frameworks, essentially, node back end frameworks, whether that is using something as full re Fully done up as as Meteor was or using Express or using what I ended up going with, which was Fastify rid or even Nest.
Scott Tolinski
Now my experience with Nest was that Nest has a big community.
Scott Tolinski
Rid It was really nice. The documentation is really good.
Scott Tolinski
The big issue I had with Nest and the reason why I didn't pick it is that re It seems to be very tightly integrated. Not not tightly integrated as in the same way that, like, code is, but, like, the community rid is tightly integrated with the Angular community. And nothing against the Angular community. I'm just building React websites. Rid. And not that you cannot build React websites, I just found the amount of examples, the amount of people using it, the amount of blog posts written about it with Nest in React was far, far, far less than with Nest and Angular.
Scott Tolinski
Not only that, there's a lot of usage of things like decorators that are really uncommon in the React re Ecosystem, and I found it to be nice and interesting and cool, but ultimately did not align with the other technologies that I was using in the way that I would have liked it to. The what's it called? The, what did I just say? Decorators? Decorators. Yeah. I actually was a big fan of decorators for a little while, and but I haven't used them in so long. Just looking at code that has Decorators now kind of confuses me for some reason only because my brain hasn't been in. So that was kind of a thing too. If you're not used to working in Decorators, people who might look at This might look and say, oh, that's kinda weird. I found there to be the problem with Nest overall for me was there was a lot of, like, very Nest specific Things to learn where Fastify to me felt like an evolution of Express, and it felt like, quote, unquote, just Node. Right? It felt like Node. Yeah. It didn't feel like I was writing a Fastify app. It felt like I was writing a Node app that used a really awesome, excellent server. Rid So Nest looks cool, but it does look like it was the kind of thing I was trying to get out of, which was a very, like, I don't know, very tightly tightly knit system. Rid. Yeah. I have not tried it myself. It'll all echo Scott's thing is it's it's all it's classes and decorators and and whatnot, and, rid. It seems to be pretty popular for that reason in the Angular space.
Wes Bos
I probably have to try it out myself rid. Just because I'm looking at the the features and whatnot, it seems very polished. It seems like it has it's got support for WebSockets rid and authentication and and all that good stuff, and TypeScript out of the box. And this is kinda what I've been asking for for a long, long time. And there's there's now, I don't know. Several really good solutions in the space, which is really cool. So, yeah, I'll have to check it out at some point when I do my next tour of this type of thing. I would definitely put Nest and what's the other one that's built on Next. Js? Redwood. Js and Keystone
Scott Tolinski
And, like, all of those Check out Fastify, man. Fastify.
Wes Bos
It's so fast. Fastify doesn't do, like, Auth and everything, though. I don't think that really fits into the No. This, like, whole boxed up
Scott Tolinski
back end for They have, like, a plug in ecosystem. So rid It it's not that it doesn't do auth. It doesn't connect to the database. So it it is basically like akin to Express, but there's, like, a gazillion plug ins for it in the plug ins for passing along your auth creds or anything like that or even their GraphQL
Wes Bos
system. Like, Mercurius is, like, the most polished I've seen. Oh, yeah. I would say that That probably doesn't fit into the this space because I hear you. The people that are looking at Nest or Redwood are like, I just want, something that comes with everything, you know, rid Instead of having to put them all together, which is not hard, but sometimes people just want it all done for you. Yeah. I gotta try out Redwood myself as well, so maybe I'll I'll come up with An app where I can implement it, because that's what I did with my my SICK FITS application. When I was, like, figuring out which rid CMS I should be using. I implemented that thing in, I don't know, 3 or 4 different possible CMSs, and it was kinda fun to see
Scott Tolinski
rid See how to do it. That's such an underrated thing to do. I spent, like, 1 1 week at my one of my old old jobs when I was testing out the frameworks, and I tested out Angular one. I tested out Backbone. I tested out what was the other? Ember at the time. I tested out a few of these different frameworks just to see which one Spoke to me the best. Not necessarily which one was the best, but which one was the like, felt the most comfortable for me. I was like trying on a pair of shoes. Right? And I'm looking at Nest, and, like, Nest looks like a cool pair of shoes. But then the moment I see, like, you know, controllers and services, like, the way that they're all spelled out here Classes and stuff. My it doesn't look like it's the right pair of shoes for me.
Scott Tolinski
That's just how I'm that's just how I'm feeling. Next question is from Anan.
Wes Bos
Do you still think it's worth learning WordPress for freelancing if you aren't too confident in your JavaScript and front end design? Also, I don't wanna get stuck in WordPress only land because of the money. Alright. That's that's a interesting thing. Some things to unpack here. Rid Do you still think it's worth learning WordPress? This is this is a tough one. I think so. I don't think it's the only thing that you should should be learning. I think that you probably should be learning.
Still worth learning WordPress for freelancing
Wes Bos
One of our sponsors today, Sanity, you should be looking into that or something like Nest JS or or Redwood or Keystone or any of the other 1,000 things out there. But the reality is at the end of the day, WordPress rid It's still super popular. It's still chugging along. People really like it, especially as it's becoming rid More of like a page builder with the new Gutenberg block interface where people can snap together different pieces of content and rid And lay things out as they want. As much as developers who are listening to this podcast hate that, The reality that I'm seeing in in the, like, marketer world is absolutely yes. So I I think it's probably still worth, going into that. Rid. Also, that's if you're just starting out, that's very easy to find clients and to make money at that type of thing. Like you said, I don't wanna get stuck in WordPress only land because of the money. I think so. WordPress is not the best bang. There are lots of like, there's this company called 10 Up. They are a massive company that only does WordPress, and they have many, many employees. You can certainly make lots of really good money on WordPress, but a lot of the a lot of the the contracts can be smaller smaller potatoes. I think, also on top of that, I think a lot of the, Like small potatoes, 500, $1,000 websites, I think a lot of those people have also just moved on to Squarespace or Wix or or something like that. And I don't know sure what you think about that, Scott, but I think that's good because a lot of I talk to a lot of my friends who have small businesses, And instead of them having to, like, go through some web developer, now they can just put a a little a short little portfolio website site or a little what? No. Not portfolio. A pamphlet website online pretty quickly and pretty affordably. Yeah. I mean, that seems hard to me. Like, there are no no reason why you even have to get into PHP and WordPress. I mean, you could
Scott Tolinski
do a fair amount through plug ins and themes and all sorts of stuff like that and use it as rid Site builder anyways. So learning it is not gonna be a detriment to you. It depends on how long like, is it gonna take you 3 years to learn it? I don't know. Maybe it probably was that time on something else, but don't think you're gonna get stuck in WordPress land. Just to you know, as long as you're learning things about the code you're writing and about the platform it is as the web, You're gonna continue to improve your skills outside of WordPress. So focus on those skills, like what the HTML actually looks like, what the site performance is like, and why. Maybe don't get too hung up on the WordPress stuff, but the platform stuff specifically,
Wes Bos
pick up some JavaScript and, yeah, yeah, get going. I was working on my wife's WordPress website a couple, like, a week or two ago, and I was just adding a couple features to it. And I was thinking, like, rid Man, I am so much better at writing JavaScript than I am PHP, and I miss like, I was just like, I know probably 11 different ways to loop over an array in in JavaScript, and this is not a knock at PHP. I just I'm not as good as I am at JavaScript, and that's Probably while you'll hear Scott and I lean towards a lot of these JavaScript solutions rid because we are much better JavaScript developers. Also, like, I think I'll there's no destructuring in PHP. I love using the the destructuring and Mapping and all that good stuff. I just
Scott Tolinski
I love it. Yeah. I know. I I I find the JavaScript to be fairly tasty myself.
Scott Tolinski
And you know what? I I think it's funny because we do get a lot of questions in them in the mailbox, in the potluck box that are just like, is JavaScript better than PHP? It's like, rid I mean, I'm I'm better at JavaScript than I am at PHP, and that's all I can really speak on. I enjoy writing it more, but it's mostly because I'm, you know, I'm I'm skilled with it. If I was skilled with a hammer, I would wanna use that hammer. There you go. I've been keeping notes on, like, a show I wanna do, How
Wes Bos
I just called it PHP is where we end up, basically, because if you look at something like Next. Js And you you look at how we are writing it and where everything is together, and our logic is interspersed with our templates and all that stuff. We're basically just recreated PHP and how you can just create a index dot j s file, and it shows up when you visit that URL. Like, That's all the stuff I loved about PHP, and and now we have that in
Scott Tolinski
in Next. Js land. I remember when I was first learning backbone. I was like, This kinda reminds me of PHP. If what? Or it's like not PHP specifically, but they were, I think, Magento is one of the systems felt very much like back when. I forget what it was. But I was just like, oh, that ready. I kinda recognize some of the stuff going on here. It's like, oh, now how things have changed.
Scott Tolinski
Also, how things have changed. Image formats, always changing.
Scott Tolinski
You wanna be serving up the smallest little images that you've ever served so that people can download them as fast as ever. And to do that, re It's really easy with one of our sponsors today, which is Cloudinary.
Scott Tolinski
Now Cloudinary is the image hosting service, and they don't just do images. They do video hosting too. But it's the image hosting service that allows you to really create images on the fly and serve them and cache them in the smallest rid possible format so that they load faster than ever. I remember going through great lengths to create many different versions of every single image that I had on my site so that I could serve a WebP to, you know, to the Google Google users or Chrome users. And, you know, Safari was never gonna get WebP, so they had to get rid Flow and what you had to hand code that. Well, Cloudinary allows you to basically suck up all those images and put them on Cloudinary, throw in some rid Format auto, some quality auto if you want to, or even control the quality and transform that image in a URL rid On demand, it is so cool. I've been a personal user of Cloudinary for since before we started recording syntax, And I've been a big fan since day 1.
Scott Tolinski
So head on over to
Scott Tolinski
Use the link in our show notes Here, if you want to let them know where you came from, or you can tweet at them and say, hey. I heard about Cloudera and the Citox podcast, and it's awesome. It's the best way to manage images and videos in the cloud. It didn't transform any use case from performance personalization using Cloudinary's APIs, SDKs, Widgets and integrations, you can turn yourself into an old timey sepia cowboy in a a picture as well using one of their filters. So All good there. Someone did that the other day. My some of my captions said West Boss.
Wes Bos
Oh, yes. And, they they submitted a pull request that Changed all the instances of West Boss to West Boss, and it's they, made a picture of me in, like, the old timey sepia hat, and I just thought of like,
Scott Tolinski
that's cool.
Scott Tolinski
Saloon cowboy.
Scott Tolinski
Alright. Next question is from Brian. Brian says, hi, guys. I've been listening to you guys for a while and recently launched rid My first website.
Test mobile sites on real devices, not just Chrome emulator
Scott Tolinski
Your podcast has been a huge help in getting started. Well, thank you, Brian. For the website I made, I tested an iPhone View on Chrome Dev Tools and everything looked fine.
Scott Tolinski
So for those of you who who, who aren't familiar, Brian's talking about when you inspect element, there's a little device In the in the preview window, you can click the device, change the device, and it puts your website in the size of the window that the device is. However, when viewing the website in an actual iPhone, the button is too small and the work menu turns into men.
Scott Tolinski
Any advice on how to accurately test sites on mobile devices without pushing to a production branch? Yeah. This is a good one. This is something that is it is important to do, especially with, iOS devices, you may not know this, but every single browser on an iOS device is Safari. Apple has one one browser and it's Safari and all the other ones are just like shells on top of Safari. It's the same thing with their keyboard, and I hate it.
Scott Tolinski
Because of that, you don't get real Chrome. Meaning, The Chrome rendering that you're getting in the browser is just a good estimation of it. It's a good estimation of what it's gonna look like. It's being rendered with rid Chrome on your your desktop and on your phone is being rendered with WebKit and Safari.
Scott Tolinski
So what do you do? Well, re If you really wanna test a real device and have it be on your computer, the best way to do that would be to use the simulator.
Scott Tolinski
It's on your computer. You could connect the simulator to even Safari's dev tools, and you can use the simulator to fire it up in a quote, unquote real iPhone.
Scott Tolinski
Another thing you can do is basically serve this over your own local network. And as long as you're on the same network, you can access this on your phone by visiting an IP address. Now one of the cool things that really modern dev tools gives you for instance, we've been using Vit, v I t e. This is Evan Hughes bundler and server.
Scott Tolinski
Vit, when you start up a Vit instance, it says, alright. Your site is available. Rid A local host port 3,000, and on network, it gives you an IP address with a whole IP. You could type that IP address into your phone, and it will load up of site on the network.
Scott Tolinski
Now that's not gonna allow you to access dev tools and stuff like that, but it'll at least give you an access to click and and try it out. So those are the options I have. I Wes has some some more options if you're not using any of those things. But for the most part, that's Typically, how I do it, I'll fire it up in the simulator, or I'll have, like, a a staging branch that I'll push it up and just try it on the staging branch, although that's pretty inefficient.
Wes Bos
In my case, usually, what I'll do is I'm running the server anyway, and like Scott says, you just have to find the network IP address that's different from your, rid. Like IP address, like, if you go to IP chicken .com or whatever, that's your that's your, like, router's IP address. And unless you Explicitly open up ports on your computer and forward them. You're not gonna be able to access them. But if you're on the same network, meaning that your iPhone or whatever is rid Connected to the same same Wi Fi network as your laptop, then you can just type go to your terminal, type in ifconfig or ipconfig on Windows and somewhere in there, it will tell you what your local thing IP address is. You can also just go to the network.
Wes Bos
You can go to your network connection and find out what that is. And then when you visit that, you almost always will be able to just view the website, as if it were that. That's sort of a caveat there is that sometimes, like, WordPress specifically, I ran into this a lot. Rid They will hard code your URL into the source code. So if you're using local host, whatever, forward slash wpthemes forward slash whatever .style.CSS.
Wes Bos
The local host doesn't exist on your, your phone, so it's not gonna be able to load that. So rid If that's the case, then you have to use some sort of tunneling software that will temporarily expose your local host to the Internet.
Wes Bos
Rid A couple different tools out there for this.
Wes Bos
Browser sync is a tool that I use to just automatically refresh stuff, kinda like Parcel, And that has Local Tunnel built right in. You can also just install Local Tunnel. It's free. I believe if you want a consistent URL, re You have to pay for 1. So if you want, like, WordPress test, then you I think you have to pay for that. I recently bought a ngrok account. Ngrok is another tool that will do that. Yeah. Ngrok's cool. Yeah. It's awesome. It I originally paid for it because I think a lot of people use local tunnel for phishing and spam reasons.
Wes Bos
So every now and then, local tunnel will throw up a little read. Click here to continue. This is a this is a test website. Don't put your credit card in or anything like that. And because of that, I was having trouble with pinging webhooks because it would throw up that that welcome thing instead of actually go through to the webhook.
Wes Bos
So then once you have it on your phone, I should say, you can open up Safari, and, unfortunately, you have to have a Mac for this, which is, like, another reason why I think you should. Rid Every developer should have a Mac. I don't know. You can use Windows obviously as well, but testing Safari is is really tricky if unless you don't wanna pay for some service. But once you have it open, you can open up the Safari dev tools, and you can open up a dev tools that is rid the code that's literally running on your phone. So you can hover over things and inspect element and look at the console, and that's invaluable in figuring out what the actual rid. Issue is if it only happens on your phone. And if you don't have an iPhone,
Scott Tolinski
use the simulator, which I, I I did mention, but what I didn't mention is that you need re code installed to have the simulator, but once you have Xcode installed Oh, yeah. You can install the simulator from Xcode. Just Google simulator Xcode install, And then it's just an app that runs. It's an iPhone emulator on your desktop. It's really good. Like, it's not It's an iPhone. Yeah. Chrome is not an emulator. Crow all that Chrome is doing is It's emulating the screen size and nothing else. You need the actual
Wes Bos
Safari engine to be running, and the rid Xcode simulator is the best. Also, it's, like, probably sometimes faster just to open up the simulator because then you don't have to Have your phone open and keep picking it up and unlocking it and whatnot. Yeah. A lot of people don't don't their phones handy or I don't know. Rid. Also, if you need to debug it while you're on the phone with somebody, that's another issue that I've literally had before, and, it's tricky. Yeah. Next question we have here is from Anan. Do you guys ever see your premium courses pirated on Sites like Udemy, Skillshare, any of the other video course platform, meaning someone downloaded your videos and uploaded them as they're the creator. Any tips to protect this? Absolutely.
Piracy frustrating but focus energy on your real supporters
Wes Bos
Rid Piracy is something that I have to fight against a lot in just in terms of part in websites, but then there's also these, like, rid. Legitimate Udemy is the one that I always not always, but it's happened a couple times where someone just downloads my course and then uploads it to Udemy and then tries to sell it.
Scott Tolinski
Rid And Udemy has a track record of like, Scott, it happened to you, what, like, 5 years ago, and it still hap it happened to me a couple weeks ago. It's happened to me a whole bunch of times. Yeah. And they don't take it. Like, you know me. It's just like, oh, we'll get to it when we get to it. Yeah. Submit a submit a response. Yeah. The account name is under Some some person's name that sounds nothing like Scott Talinsky. I say at the beginning, hey. I'm Scott Talinsky with LevelUp Tutorials.
Scott Tolinski
There's no indication that this account has anything to do with me. Not to mention, I've provided you links to this video on YouTube showing you where I initially uploaded it. You're still gonna take a few weeks to take it down, rid. Collecting in people's money who are buying this thing, unknowing that it's for free on YouTube, like, makes me mad. Makes me makes me more mad that rid. Somebody's paying for my content that's available for free than it does that somebody is stealing my content and reselling it. Like, that's what makes me more mad. Yeah. Yeah. And
Wes Bos
it still does get me every now and then, the piracy, but, like, at the end of the day, I have to, like, remember just that There's so many people out there that do support me. For every one annoying person that's doing this type of thing, there's probably 10 or a100 People support me and and buy the thing and bought a t shirt because they're like, Wes, you're doing awesome. Love the podcast. Like, I always have to remember that. Like, don't get so hung up on this frustrating part, and don't spend all your entire day trying to fight that type of stuff because at the end of the day, there's rid Ten more people that want more stuff, and my time is probably better spent there. So that's my tip there. Just at a certain point, you just gotta let it go. Listen to the, What is it? Have you ever heard the Mike Birbiglia where he got into an accident in a rental car? Have you heard that one? No. Years probably, like, 10 years ago, I heard a really good, like, podcast from Mike Birbiglia where he he got into an accident.
Wes Bos
And the police officer accidentally wrote down that he was at fault, and he had to pay, like, $20,000 to a rental car company. And he it wasn't his fault.
Wes Bos
And he just was so so torn up and frustrated, and it was just consuming him. At a certain point, he just, like, learned to let it go, and it was very freeing for him. And sometimes I have to remember that, like, okay. Relax, Wes. Just get back to making courses. Yeah. Yeah. I hear you. There's always gonna be those roadblocks. That one sounds really intense.
Scott Tolinski
So dang. Yeah. There's always gonna be those roadblocks. If you spend all the time worrying about the roadblocks, you're never gonna get past it.
Scott Tolinski
Okay. Next one here is from Yash.
Scott Tolinski
Says looking at and thinking, I see a lot of class names that Almost have the same style.
Styled Components generates random class names
Scott Tolinski
Lowercase g, capital k, x, j c c, and h s I x h l. Read. I really want to know the science behind generating those. Do you have shared classes that are some kind of magic tool transfers them rid into ugly names and copies them over? If so, what is that tool, and is it worth it? Okay. So rid. What these are, these are being I can I can speak from firsthand because I know the process in which you you you brought the site, but these come from Styled Components? Styled components is a JavaScript library for writing CSS. Now why do these class names look so funny? They look so funny, 1st and foremost, so they do not Collide with any other class names in your library and that they are unique.
Scott Tolinski
So there are these generated unique class names rid that are guaranteed to not clash with anything else that you've ever written because no one's going to come up with h, capital s, x, whatever. No one's gonna come up with that as a class name.
Scott Tolinski
And so luckily, that means that styled components can exist in this world That is totally outside of any sort of classes that you're writing in your coding library. Now why do people use the style components? Typically, it's just for scoping not just for scoping. There's features involved with either theming or passing values into it, but the the main caveat here is that people like to use styled components because rid. It allows them to control specific scopes and reuse them as components in their CSS the same way that you would with BEM or rid What are some of these other with CSS modules or or different ways of writing CSS? So to answer your questions, the generated Generated class names are really just there to avoid colliding with real class names that you've written yourself. Is it worth it? I like style components very much. I use it myself. In development, you don't really that's not really, like, a problem. In production, you don't ever really need to look up the class names that much. I've never had an issue where I'm like, oh, gosh. I really wish
Wes Bos
rid I knew what this class name really was. Yeah. I have a feature in style components that I turn on, which will also put the component name into Yeah. Rid into it. I'm not sure if that's turned on in production. It's a Babble thing, though. Oh, it's a Babble plug in. Okay. We used to use it, but rid We don't anymore that one now that we're not on Bevel. Oh, yeah. Actually, yeah, if you inspect element on any of these, it says person underscore underscore person wrapper dash re p a b r u dash 1. And those are just so that I can also debug which component this stuff was coming from, and then it gives another random rid Identifier. And like I said, we are not Scott said, we're not generating these ourselves. This is done programmatically so that we can scope the CSS.
Wes Bos
And once CSS has proper scoping built in, then you probably will not see these generated classes anymore.
Wes Bos
Mark, next question from Aubrey Backschneider.
Wes Bos
Have you ever developed a dotedu website? Rid If so, what did you use to manage enormous archives in addition to giving the site a simple page builder for the departments To contribute little or no interaction from the developer, no Joomla or Drupal, please. Been there.
Wes Bos
Thanks for the great help. This is a a really interesting question because I often think about that. I think about this with, education websites and government websites where there's literally, like, 15 years of backlinks read. And URLs and content that needs to be maintained, but also you need, like, something a little bit faster, and you need to be able to give people URLs. And When I was in university, the solution for that was that every department would generally run its own website just because it's way too slow rid to have to go through the the main thing. I have not worked on on one of these, but I'd be curious to hear both, like, my ideas as well as Scott's As to, like, how would you even approach something like this? I'm laughing because I used to work in education, so I'm I'm yeah. There you go. You can hear it. Rid For me, what I would do is I would go with some sort of established CMS. Check out one of our sponsors today.
Wes Bos
And for all of the backlinks, rid. I would use, like, a Cloudflare Worker that would simply just slurp up the existing content and render it out. Because moving Years years years of content, it probably will have to happen at some point that you have it at some sort of standard format in all in one CMS, But that huge migration cannot happen all at once. So we've talked about this in the past where people just, like, sort of proxy the old content rid with, like, a Cloudflare Worker. And, basically, what will happen is when somebody requests a URL, you'll check if that thing exists on the old website rid. Or if you check if it's on the new website, and if it's not, you check if it's on the old website and use a CloudFlare Worker. You can piece them together. You're not just redirecting rid them. You can literally say, alright. Well, grab everything that's in the content div and then put it into the new one. That's how I would probably approach it. I'm curious Mhmm. To see what Scott thinks, or what did you even do? Well, I I'm laughing because I I don't I don't know
Scott Tolinski
if rid The educational institutions will go for something like Cloud for Flare Workers. When I worked at the University of Michigan, we had pretty rid Strict guidelines in terms of what we could use, and literally everything had to be self hosted inside of PHP servers that were old versions of PHP re p that we had to provision, meaning we couldn't even use modern versions of some of the CMSs that we are trying to use.
Scott Tolinski
So, rid. Aubrey, you're not gonna like my answer. My answer is use Drupal.
Scott Tolinski
It's probably going to it's going to be the least Annoying.
Scott Tolinski
It really honestly depends on what your institution's policies are like. If you can use modern stuff, what the what Wes is I wouldn't use Joomla, but I don't put Drupal and Joomla in the same category. I wouldn't use Joomla, but I don't put Drupal and Joomla in the same category personally. I put Drupal and WordPress in the same category.
Scott Tolinski
And I would say there's a reason why just about every site we did at that organization was Drupal or WordPress. It's mostly because we had to. Now, Wes, I don't know how how you feel about this, but, so the guy who created level up tutorials with me, Ben Chaff, he he he and I started it in 2012 together. Rid He has worked at a, in a man management position in the University of Michigan's tech department for their websites.
Scott Tolinski
Rid it might be interesting to have him on at some point to talk about what those restrictions in education are like. I know he's got a nice microphone and stuff, so it would be good. He might be able to provide a little bit more insights on what the reality is there right now now. But when I worked at the the university level, it was a rid Giant PIA to even get a modern version of PHP supported, let alone something like Cloudflare Workers, which isn't hosted in the EDU's infrastructure itself. So, yeah, without knowing what your issues are, Aubrey, surrounding that stuff, it's it's a little bit difficult To give you super solid advice, maybe we could have Ben on and have Ben run through some of the stuff that they've been doing because he's into super modern tech, and it would be interesting to hear what rid He's faced. I know I know there's been some frustrations there. I wanna hear that, and I also want to get somebody from
Wes Bos
the government rid Who like, Atlas and our local government, once the vaccines went went live, the site didn't crash, And they had a terrific track record for the these types of things crashing.
Wes Bos
It's not as easy as just throw a CloudFlare or or scale up because because it is, Like residents' data, they need to, like, abide by all these different rules, and I would love to hear from somebody who did that as well. Like, how do you keep this thing Scaling up internally.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. So I have a connection there as well.
Scott Tolinski
A friend of mine rid Also used to work for the government doing JavaScript stuff. It is an open source stuff, so I'll I'll throw rid feelers out to see if you'd be interested in coming out. Maybe we could have both of those hit. I'm in. Hey. This is not a good ad transition, but it's an ad transition.
Scott Tolinski
I I recently pushed out some huge updates to level up tutorials back end. And One of my favorite things about Sentry, which is our sponsor today, century at century dot I o. One of my favorite new things about Sentry is that they've added in performance tracking. And me, personally, I really, really, really like performance because there's something really gratifying about getting that milliseconds down. And I was seeing one of the cool things is in the Sentry's performance dashboard, it gives you a user misery score as how many users are hitting a specific route and how slow it is. Rid. So if you have a route that's heavily traffic and it's very slow, the user misery score is going to be very high for that. I pushed an update, let me tell you, there is nothing better than seeing your user misery plummet to 1 1 bar, which is the minimum you can get, or I guess You can get 0. So I still have 1 bar to get rid of, which is gonna bother me now. I'm gonna have to get rid of that 1 bar, but I have 1 bar out of, like, rid 10 now and the user misery scores for every single route on my site, and I was able to see that so quickly and easily because Sentry is able to track performance metrics on every single page load of the site, and it does so along with all of your other tools. Another neat thing that we recently implemented in Sentry was the ability to tag every single error to a specific Users account so that we can see exactly which of our users are hitting which errors, when, and where. The meaning that if a ever coming to us saying, hey. I tried to do this thing and it broke. We're no longer looking through the error log to see errors that could be them, but we're able to attach rid The error directly to the user because that user's data is put into the error log. So Sentry is the perfect place to track all of your errors and exceptions. Rid There's a ton of tools, and every single week, we sit down and try to dive into more of these tools because there's just more and more there all the time. So you'll wanna check it out at century dot I owe use the coupon code tasty treat, all lowercase, all one word, and get 2 months for free. Thank you so much for Century for not only sponsoring the show, but making such a great product,
Wes Bos
rid Something that I use every single day. I'm just a big, big fan. Alright. Next question we have here is from Swiss boy. Hey, Weston rid Scott, thank you for giving my weekly motivation. You're welcome. Currently, I am experimenting with Next. Js's server side generation, and I would like to know How I can generate a page at build time, but only show it to an authorized user. I know I could use SSR and get server side props read. Check allow. So that's one of the nice things about Next. Js is that you can both use you pre generate the page, And then that thing is generated and can be served out very quickly.
Wes Bos
But then you can also do server side checks if you need it, to check allowance. However, rid. So this is the problem. The page is completely static without any dynamic content, and I don't wanna regenerate it with every request. Is there a way to achieve this? Keep up the great work, because it's kinda interesting. So it's a totally static page, but you still want to check if the user is authorized to that. Rid. I don't know if there's specifically something built into Next. Js to tackle these type of situation.
Wes Bos
For me, I would just say, just regenerate it. It's not a big deal.
Wes Bos
Re We went so far on this, like, Jamstack prerendered train that people are sort of scared to just generate these Things like PHP has been generating server side on every request for years, and it's been fine. So unless the unless there's some sort of, like rid Like, I don't know. You have API rate limits, in which case you could cache the data.
Wes Bos
You could also do it at a, like, like, ready. Matt from Caddy server came on. You could do it at a server level level, meaning you could put it in Nginx or whatever read. And check if the cookie is present at that. That requires a little bit more work because you need to get into Caddy or NGINX or whatever.
Wes Bos
So that would be my thing is don't worry about regenerating, I would probably say. What have what have you, Scott? Yeah. I I agree. 100% agree. Read. I think what you're looking for is the straight up server side rendering
Scott Tolinski
because when I looked into this, like because I've looked into several aspects of doing something similar. Right? And, like, for me, the way I saw it was the user account in the user authorization stuff is Touches so many more pages, routes, components than maybe you're thinking. And if you're thinking about generating a full on page with User information or something like that. Keep in mind that that page is going to be living somewhere, like, as static HTML That can be accessed, and then you're verifying access to those privileges on your own server.
Scott Tolinski
It just sounds like a rid Giant headache to me, especially when there isn't necessarily, like, a system set up to do that for you.
Scott Tolinski
I think you could probably Hold it off in some sort of regard. Is it gonna be better than just server side rendering? Most likely not, at least for your time commitment, like, rid The time it takes to get that going versus the time it takes to, get server side. I would just rather do server side rendering it, I think, in my my, my estimation of the whole thing.
Scott Tolinski
But in in some capacity, this is kind of what, React server components are trying to solve in some sort of way. You're basically taking out sections of your website that are re Going to be rendered on the server with, you know, information that could be scoped to that specific user or that user's information. That, to me, sounds like React Server components in in the future for us. So this is a interesting space, and I'm sure it's going to evolve as we go here because I I've been looking into all these different means of Either server side generation or server side rendering or even React component rendering on the server for React server components. I've been looking into all this stuff myself And, have found it's a interesting, interesting, interesting world. But for right now, you're probably best off server side rendering, given your requirements.
Wes Bos
I think there's probably even, like, some benefits in the JavaScript engine itself, right, in in v eight. Like, rid. If you have a function that runs a 100 times and it's running with the same arguments and returning the same value, rid I might be talking out out of my butt here, but, I'm pretty sure that Chrome's engine will rid. Realize that you're doing the same thing over and be able to give you some sort of optimization.
Scott Tolinski
So I probably would not worry about it. Rid. Yeah. If you're caching the data and whatever, I don't know, it's it's not worth your time going into something that crazy custom.
Scott Tolinski
Alright. Next question here is from Jonathan s. He says, rid Love the show, guys. Hey. Thanks, Jonathan.
Scott Tolinski
I want to make the transition into full time freelancing and wanted to know what you think about having a rid Talk with my current employer to see if they'd be willing to take me from a full time to a contract freelance basis. Bad idea, thoughts, advice. Thanks as always. Jonathan, this to me is one of those things where you have that conversation, you have to kinda be prepared to be Leaving. Like, if you're having that conversation to me, that's the conversation you have after you've already decided that you're going to be leaving to do freelancing full time. And then you say, rid. I'm leaving to do freelancing full time.
Scott Tolinski
I would like to work with this team still. I will be, like, available for work, obviously, you wanna do it in a little bit more personalized way, say, like, you know, really, really enjoyed. You know, I can help you maybe find my replacement.
Scott Tolinski
Because If you all of a sudden say, hey. By the way, I'm leaving. You can pay me more to do the same stuff now. That's not gonna be like a great way. I've seen this work in practice.
Scott Tolinski
Developer that we that actually worked at a company that I worked at before I was there, not somebody I was explicitly replacing, but Somebody who had just left before I got there did this, basically. They left to go do freelance work, and the whole thing was I'm leaving To be a freelance developer, not I'm leaving to be a freelance developer and still work with this company. I'm leaving to be a freelance developer. If you ever need anything, Give me a call. Hit me up on the phone. Ring me. And sure enough, we needed him, and it worked out. But it wasn't like rid. It wasn't set up from the ground floor to be like, alright. I would like regular contract work from you, and I would like it this time. That's basically asking you to get paid more to do the Same work, and they'll be able to see through that. So, you know, be prepared to not have them as a client, and maybe that would be the way to have it work, But it it can work. I've seen it work. You just gotta be prepared for them to not use you as a client. Don't rely on that money.
Wes Bos
I I did this with one of my co ops in university. They basically, they're like, hey. Stay on. I was like, no. I wanna do my own thing, But if you want, you can you can call me up, and and I did a couple projects for them after the fact. I think if you talk to your boss, the worst they can say is rid No. So absolutely go ahead and ask for it and and see if they are interested in it. Sometimes people always say, okay. Yeah. We could do maybe 2 days a week. I've done that in the past as well where one of my clients tried to hire me full time, and I said no. And they said, okay. Can we buy 2 days a week or 3 days a week of your time? I said, yeah. Absolutely. So I did that for a couple years as well where I just rid It's kinda nice because, like, you're still freelancing. You still can do whatever you want, but then you know that at least 16 hours a week of your time has been purchased, And you can slot that off. You don't have to to really worry about it. So, absolutely, I say go ahead and ask them if they're into it. And, also, sometimes, like, your manager is, like, really cool, and they like to see people Yeah. Follow their passions, and they're really supportive of, like, re Hey. Yeah. I'd love to to help you through this. We're able to to pay I don't know. Especially because, like, it's much cheaper to hire you even if your rate is higher than have to skill somebody else up on the stack and understanding and personalities and all that kind of stuff. So I think it's a great idea. Good luck, Jonathan. Yeah. There is a fair amount of, like, what's your relationship with your employer? You know? Yeah. Because that's not gonna fly in every relationship, but I could definitely see that rid that working out. Yes. It's it's true. Like, the some people, when you say, I'm gonna quit, like, they'll walk you to the door immediately. Rid. Yeah. Alright. See you. And other people will be like, oh, yeah. Like, let let's see or, like, k. Go do your thing for 6 months and and come back when you're ready. You know? Like, it's rid over the place. Yeah. Totally. Alright. That was it, man. We have so many more questions. We didn't even get to them all. So thank you so much for everyone for Submitting your questions. If you've got a a question you want to submit for the potluck, go to, top right corner. Click ask a potluck question. Type it in the box, submit that thing, and we will possibly answer it on the next I think we'll do I think we should do another potluck
Scott Tolinski
in less than a month, Scott, because we have rid Just so many good questions. Yeah. Yeah. Usually not not usually, but, like, sometimes you look through some questions, there's somebody trying to advertise to you. Like, have you ever heard of this software that I clearly were wrote? That's that's something we're getting a lot lately where We get a lot of that. Yeah. People are trying to bait us. Yeah. I think we fell for it a couple times, and people realized it. I got I almost fell for it a couple weeks ago, and you had to pull the you're like, I'm pretty sure this person wrote the software. I was like, oh, I've never heard of it. Have you ever heard of insert your project here? We do. Anyways, what are we talking about? We'll do another one, so get ready for that. It's coming down the pipe. Coming down that pipe Coming down the pipe into the the, the potluck. Just imagine you had a potluck, and you just had a Jetson's pipe, and you just pulled that pipe, and all the food fell out ready. There you go. Alright. Now is the part of the show where we talk about sick picks, where we pick things that are sick. I'm going to sick pick something today that Wes re turned me on to a little while ago, and I bought one of these packets of this thing. I don't know if this is the same one you have. I think this is my just maybe like a general thing. You might have rid Send me your link at some point. But this is the 3 in one head of a braided long USB cable.
Scott Tolinski
Is a long USB cable that has USB c, an iPhone port, and then a just a USB Was it mini micro? Micro. Micro on the end? And, man, we put a couple of these in our house, And I just had to order a couple more because I was like, you know what? I just kinda want these in any place that we typically interact with USB cables.
Scott Tolinski
Rid I I doubt. Yeah. Because, one, they're really long. They're so long. These ones in particular are what? They're 10 feet long. So, like, I'm pulling this thing out of nowhere, and, you know, could It it feels like it's the longest cable I've ever had because the ones that the manufacturers give you are dinky. And so, you know, these things had just been really, really Feeling great. I can plug anything I want into it at any given point, and I just ordered a whole bunch more. So I gotta give a shout out to 3 in 1 braided multi cable multiple charger cord connection micro USB for cell phones and more.
Scott Tolinski
So yeah.
Wes Bos
The one thing I don't like about them is that do yours have the little lights on the end? No. These ones don't have any lights. Oh, Okay. I need that because, like, I I bought a whole bunch, and they all have these, like, a little LEDs in the head so you can, like, grab them if it's under the couch. Oh, that's interesting. And it's nice for the kids because, like, the kids will come in, they'll they'll have an iPad, and the headphones need to be charged. And rid. There's all kinds of stuff that needs to be charged. Actually, my sick pick is needs to be charged as well, and it's great for that. But I sometimes, I move them into the bedroom to, rid I charged my phone, and it's like the sun, in there because it has a little LED on the end, so I had to tape around it. So be aware that
Scott Tolinski
rid Don't put the the lit ones in your bedroom. Yeah. Our baby monitor, man. Our baby monitor. I don't know Whose idea was to put the world's brightest LED on the front of that thing? Like, come on. Most people are using that baby monitor. They're using it during the day, sure, but rid. Everybody's got that baby monitor on at night. Yeah. Who did that? Who thinks that's a good idea? You gotta think about that. Yeah. Come on. Yeah. There's, like, electrical tape on everything. Yeah. Rid. So I denounce putting LEDs on everything, but I really like
Wes Bos
that everything is going USB. Like, baby monitor is USB.
Wes Bos
Sound machine is USB.
Wes Bos
I shared, oh, last time I sick picked my toothbrush, and I told you that it was a rid Proprietary connection? It's not. It's a just a regular DC barrel connection. Oh. So I was wrong about that.
Wes Bos
I got something else that is use USB chargeable, and it is a milk frother. So you know those little things you can use to froth milk or whipped cream or something like that? Rid. I don't myself, but, Chromie uses them. Oh, man. I'm all about it. And so ours broke a year or 2 ago, and rid. We bought a bunch of whipped cream. I was like, we gotta get a new one. And now to my surprise, they are USB chargeable now, so you don't have to go eating through batteries, whatever. Rid And they are also wicked fast because they have, like, a 3.6 volt cell in them, whereas a ready. Regular one will usually only have, like, 3 volts worth of batteries in it, so you get that extra 0.6.
Wes Bos
I got one. I don't know. I'll link it up in the in the show notes. But this one has 3 different speeds in it. It works really well, and I'm so happy that I can charge it over USB. And it's another thing I don't have to Fuss about finding batteries for it and whatnot. Yeah.
Wes Bos
Yeah. I like that. Yeah. That sounds great. Rid. Beautiful. Alright. Shameless plugs. I'll shamelessly plug all of my courses at Forward slash courses. You can pick up a beginner JavaScript or advanced React or Master Gatsby, any of that stuff. Rid. You can check out a huge list of all the courses that I have. Use coupon code syntax. That'll get you extra
Scott Tolinski
$10 off. I'm going to shamelessly plug the latest rid Corey, well, first, I'm gonna shamelessly plug 2 things, Wes, if that's allowed. 1, level of tutorials is looking for authors. We are now paying royalty based rid. Along with an upfront payment, if you are someone who is interested in recording tutorials and would like to have a platform to do so on That has typically been restricted. Lollip tutorials is now open for tutorial makers and to earn real monthly royalties, and we pay out, rich. We're we're very favorable to the author. So You're gonna get rich. You're gonna get rich. No. You're you're not gonna get rich. Prior expectations, rid. But it will be, you know, a valuable experience, and and we'll be paying you as well. We're not paying you an experience. So, level up tutorials will have the link in the show notes For the author submission form, you'll probably hear me talking about this in more episodes because it's a big initiative that we're doing. And along the same lines, the course for level up re Quarrels that I'm going to be plugging this month is going to be on GitHub actions with Brian Douglas. Now if you don't know about Brian, he works At GitHub, and he is brilliant.
Scott Tolinski
Wes and I met him a little while ago. I don't know. Have you met him more than once? We met him at, the Jamstack Conf. Rid Nope. 1st time was at Reactathon. It was Reactathon or the Jamstack Conference. 1 of the 2. I think I've met him twice at conferences.
Scott Tolinski
Yeah. And He gave us a really, really cool GitHub shirt, so I always remember him for that. Yeah. We definitely met him at Reactathon, but I'm pretty sure he was at the he was definitely at the Jamstack com. Yeah. Brian Brian's super great. He's very skilled. He has his own YouTube channel. I'll post a link to that as well. But yeah. So check it out, leveluptutorials.comforward/pro.
Scott Tolinski
Sign up today.
Scott Tolinski
Sign up for the year. Get 25% off. And, actually, if you have a team, this is the third thing I'm plugging, Wes. This is gonna be the new re Segment here that if you have a team, we now have team accounts, so you can sign up your whole team at once. So check it out. Awesome. Thanks everyone for tuning in. We'll catch you on Monday. Peace.
Scott Tolinski
Scott Tolinski
Scott Tolinski